March 2018 Question: What is blood pressure? Question By: Anoymous

Have you ever wondered what the numbers on your blood pressure machine ment? Blood pressure is the force of your blood pushing against your arteries. Tending to increase with age, there are two main types of blood pressure.  Systolic Blood Pressure – Is the pressure of your blood while your heart is beating Diastolic BloodContinue reading “March 2018 Question: What is blood pressure? Question By: Anoymous”

March 2018 Question: How do you use the Partial Quotient Method of Devision? Question By: Lulu

This method is very helpful to become more familier with devision, and is useful for problems that can be evenly divided, or use remainders. However, this method cannot easily be used with integers or decimals.  Below are pictures and instructions on how to use this method. Draw a “hangman pole” by attaching a line toContinue reading “March 2018 Question: How do you use the Partial Quotient Method of Devision? Question By: Lulu”